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“Anyway, we arranged to meet at a location outside of the city. He brought coffee. Took his time starting the discussion. I began to feel fuzzy and then everything went blank.” Hernandez shook his head. “That’s the last I remember until I woke up at the cabin. I could hear voices. Larsen’s. The second man’s voice I didn’t recognize. They were discussing setting a trap for someone. And then the man I didn’t know shot me. That’s the last thing I remember until waking up here a little while ago.”
Kaiden couldn’t believe it. The man who was now speaking for the CIA had been part of the plot to kill its director.
“That man was Martin Collins,” Kaiden told him and explained about Collins and his team and the attack that had forced the Strike Team into retreat. The nuclear weapons James found. And the impending meeting in Texas involving the vice president.
“Unbelievable,” Hernandez said. “I always thought there was something a little arrogant about Kincaid, but even if they do convince the world that the Strike Team is responsible for what happened in Alaska and at my cabin, I’m an eyewitness against Larsen and Collins and I happen to know the president quite well. He’s a good person and above reproach. He’s not part of this. We just need to get word to him.”
“That could be a problem,” Ben told his friend. “They’ll know about your friendship with the president and they’ll be expecting that move.”
Hernandez fell back against the pillows and right away, Oviok was by his side. “He needs rest, folks. He’s been through a lot.”
Ben nodded to the doctor. “Just one more thing. As soon as Peter and Tegan arrive, we’ll be heading for Amarillo.” Ben laid his handgun on the table beside Hernandez. “I’m going to leave Deacon with you and the medical team.” Ben glanced at the doctor. “If anything happens, he can use one of the planes to evacuate you. It will be tricky with the planes being identified by Legion already, but it might be your only option. I’ll make sure each of your people are armed. At this point, we don’t know if Legion has a way of tracking us or not, and once we get to Texas, we don’t know what we’ll be facing.”
Kaiden understood exactly what Ben wasn’t saying. There was a real chance none of the team would return to this Montana sanctuary.
As they prepared to leave Hernandez’s room, James called Kaiden’s phone.
He answered and put it on speaker so everyone could hear. “What’s going on,” he asked James.
“The meeting we’ve been waiting for. It appears to be taking place now.”
Kaiden’s shocked eyes panned the faces surrounding them. “We’re on our way to you now.”
“I’m coming with you, Hernandez said.
“Not possible.” Doctor Oviok rejected the idea right away. “You are in no condition to go anywhere.”
Hernandez swung his legs over the side of the bed. “I’m going. With or without your help.”
Oviok threw his hands up and assisted his patient.
“Go ahead,” Hernandez managed in a weak tone. “I’ll be there as soon as I can.”
As they filed out of the room, this was the moment they’d been anticipating. Would they finally learn what Legion had planned? Kaiden sure hoped so because right now, they had nothing, and time was quickly running out.
Chapter Fifteen
“Abby, we’re all here,” Sidney said once the room quieted. “Tell us what‘s happening there.”
“I’m not sure yet. Hassanzai and several of his men arrived earlier. So far, Emerson hasn’t left his room and he’s getting antsy. I’m not sure how long he can keep it together. . . Hold on, something’s happening. Someone’s at Emerson’s door.”
James worked to retrieve the feed from Emerson’s camera.
“It’s Collins,” Abby said. “He’s ordering Emerson to come with him.” Abby explained what she saw through the camera. “They’re heading outside,” she said in a hushed tone. “To what appears to be some type of underground structure. Maybe a storm cellar?”
“That would make sense. In that area there are plenty of threats of tornadoes,” Sidney said. “Wait, Emerson’s feed is up on the screen, Abby. I’m going to keep you on the phone.”
Abby didn’t answer.
A door opened to the command center. Hernandez, assisted by the doctor and his team, came in. Everyone wanted to see what was happening.
The video showed a small underground room with a long table lined with chairs. So far, it appeared Emerson’s cover was still intact. Sidney prayed he wouldn’t be discovered. The men of Legion were ruthless. They’d torture Emerson until he provided information.
“Abby, are you and Brookes safe?” Sidney asked.
“Yes, we’re set up some distance from the ranch. But if we need to get to Emerson, we can.”
Sidney didn’t want to say anything, but if Legion figured out the truth about Emerson, there was no way two people could help him.
Her heart raced as she realized they were about to get their first glimpse at all the members of Legion. So far, it was only Evans and Collin in the room with Emerson. Evans didn’t appear pleased by Emerson’s presence there.
The door opened. Ahmad Hassanzai entered the bunker. Anger rose inside Sidney every time she thought about how close to dying she and the others had come because of this man.
“This is no surprise,” Kaiden told her.
Sidney smiled as she looked at him. “I know. It’s just—” She didn’t need to finish. He’d understand. Letting go of the anger she held for this man proved more than she could handle alone.
Help me, Father.
Kent Foster was next to enter the dimly lit bunker. As principal deputy to the secretary of defense for nuclear, chemical, and biological defense programs, Foster was the one to supply Legion the chemical weapons. But he wasn’t the one to procure the nuclear materials.
So far, no one at the meeting was a surprise, but in Sidney’s opinion, the conspiracy spread much wider than these men.
Hassanzai and Foster joined Collins who was speaking with Evans. After the men greeted each other, Foster appeared to grow nervous.
“Where are the others?” he asked, confirming Sidney’s fears.
“They’ll be here soon. Are you in such a hurry to be done with us?” Collins and Hassanzai shared a glance that sent a chill through Sidney. Something was going on.
Before Sidney could speak her fears aloud, more men entered the room. One was Harrison Young, the former CIA agent who had picked up Emerson. She didn’t recognize the others. She turned to James.
“Already on it,” James answered without looking at her. His proficiency with technology never ceased to amaze her. He’d designed the entire infrastructure for the Strike Team. “Whoa.” James stopped typing and sat back in his seat, his eyes wide.
“What do you have?” Kaiden leaned in closer to see the laptop screen.
“The guy on the left. That’s Wilson Hardgrave. He’s the chief of defense for the British Armed Forces. He reports to the queen.”
Sidney couldn’t grasp that such a high-ranking member of the British Armed Forces would be involved in a plot to overthrow the world governments, yet their own vice president was. She’d been right. The conspiracy was much wider. She turned her attention to the screen. Collins didn’t introduce the new men, which seemed to indicate most of the members of Legion knew who they were.
The vice president entered the bunker along with NSA Director, Howard Duncan.
Why had Collins chosen to make Emerson a participant in such as high-powered meeting? The uneasiness in Sidney’s stomach continued to churn.
“Any ID on the other men?” Kaiden asked.
“I’m still checking the database,” Jordyn replied. The database she referred to was one James had designed himself. It was made up of a dozen different police and military databases around the world that had proven invaluable.
Sidney was content to let James and his team do their jobs; her full attention was on what was happening in the bunker.
/> Collins moved around the room, clearly the one in charge. Everyone seated was silent as they watched. He stopped behind Jake Evans who was across from Emerson. The camera that James’s team had built into the button reflected Evan’s unease.
Another person entered the room. It was Stephan Larsen. Surprise flashed across Evan’s face. He hadn’t expected his colleague.
“What’s he doing here?” he asked Collins who ignored him.
“Gentlemen, we have a traitor amongst us.” Collins surveyed the faces around the room, his gaze falling on Emerson. Sidney sat up straighter. Had they discovered Emerson was the one working against them?
She went back to the call with Abby. “Are you seeing this?”
“I am. We’re in place. We’ll go in after Emerson if needed.”
“Wait for my command,” Sidney told her and held the phone against her ear, waiting to see what unfolded.
“As you know, the chemical weapons Kent provided for us have mysteriously disappeared. The men responsible for guarding them have been questioned . . . at length.” He stressed the word questioned and Sidney suppressed a shiver. “They offered nothing useful.” Collins held Emerson’s eyes for a long minute before moving behind Foster.
He placed his hand on Foster’s shoulders. Foster’s tension was visible even at a distance.
“Such a skilled mission could only be the act of someone with great power. One of us.” Another flick at Emerson had her on the edge of her seat.
“Go now, Abby,” Sidney stressed into the phone.
Before anyone in the room knew what was coming, Collins pulled out his weapon and fired. Several people gasped. The command center grew quiet around Sidney. Foster’s lifeless body slumped over the table. The brutality of the act was unexpected.
Though far from innocent, Foster was not the one responsible for the VX’s disappearance. But the act of murder proved Legion’s command would stop at nothing to fulfil their evil plans. Even taking out one of their own.
“Abby, abort.” Kaiden heard the urgency in Sidney’s voice as she instructed Abby and Brookes to stand down. “I repeat, abort. Do not breach the bunker.”
Seconds ticked by before Abby confirmed the command. “Copy that. We’re standing down.”
Kaiden’s eyes glued to the screen in front of them. James and Jordyn had stopped working on identifying the other members of Legion, their fingers poised above the keyboard. Everybody was stunned to silence.
Emerson’s camera picked up Evan’s nervous reaction as Collins stepped behind him. “And you, my friend,” Collins spat the words out. “You let a traitor into our fold. We trusted you to keep our identities secret, and you almost cost us the entire mission.”
Before Evans could respond, Collins shot him as well.
Disgust welled in the pit of Kaiden’s stomach. Sidney stifled a scream.
Collins glanced to his left and motioned to someone. Four men who hadn’t been visible before quickly lifted the lifeless bodies of Foster and Evans and carried them from the room. The noise of the bunker door closing resounded through the space and grated on Kaiden’s nerves.
“There is no room for traitors among us, my friends.” He pinned each man seated at the table with a cold glare. “Our mission is too important. And it’s too late to stop it. Phase one has been successful. Phase two begins soon.”
Emerson shifted slightly, the camera homing in on the blood splattered across the table.
“The loss of the chemical weapons put us at a disadvantage for our mission, but thanks to Hassanzai and our vice president, we have something far more lethal at our disposal.” Collins stopped for a dramatic pause. “We’ve procured the long-range nuclear warheads and we have enough nuclear-grade plutonium to produce as many weapons as we’ll need in the future. There remain just a few more obstacles standing between us and total world domination.”
Kaiden couldn’t take his eyes off the screen. “Are you hearing this,” he asked no one in particular. “I can’t believe this is happening.”
“It’s unbelievable,” Hernandez said, holding his injured chest. “We have to find a way to get to the president as soon as possible. He needs to know his own vice president is working against him.”
On the screen, Collins looked straight at Emerson. “This is the man I told you about.” He smiled at Emerson for the longest time. “You will be the one to help us fulfill our plan, but for now, I will ask you to wait outside. We have other business to discuss.” Collins nodded to someone, and two men escorted Emerson from the bunker.
“I have a hit on those men with Emerson,” Jordyn said, her voice excited. “Those are Emerson’s former teammates. The ones supposedly dead.”
Outside, daylight was just beginning to break in Texas. Emerson was quiet, but his former fellow agents seemed excited about the events of the day.
“The upcoming attack is bigger than 9/11,” one of the men said proudly.
The hairs on the back of Kaiden’s neck stood at attention.
“That’s Tony Wilkes. Forty-three. Unmarried,” Jordyn updated them. “The second man is Antonio Suarez.”
“Soon, we will be in charge,” Suarez said. “You think he’s up to it?” He lowered his voice and stared at Emerson.
“Sure he is,” Wilkes said. “Aren’t you, Nolan? You wouldn’t let us down, would you?” The threat in Wilkes’ tone was evident.
Before Emerson could respond, Collins came out of the bunker and over to where the men stood. Collins motioned to Wilkes and Suarez left.
“Walk with me,” Collins ordered Emerson.
Without answering, Emerson complied.
Collins didn’t say a word for the longest time. Once they were some distance from the bunker, Collins stopped and faced Emerson. “We have entrusted you with a very important job, Nolan,” Collins said. Deep lines formed a V between his brows.
Emerson didn’t answer immediately, then he said, “That’s great. I want to do my part.” Kaiden could pick up Emerson’s uneasiness from his tone.
“I knew I chose the right man for the job. You will leave soon. Wilkes and Suarez will go with you, but you and you alone will be the one handling this task. Do you understand?”
Emerson slowly nodded. “I understand.”
Collins’s smile never reached his eyes. “Good.”
“Where am I going? What would you have me do?”
Collins watched Emerson before responding. “Soon, you’re going to Washington D.C., my friend. And you’re going there to take out the president of the United States.”
Kaiden’s heart slammed into his chest as he whirled toward Sidney.
She shook her head in disbelief. “He’s going after the president.”
“How? It’s impossible, surely?” Emerson asked, and Kaiden reluctantly returned to the conversation on the screen.
Collins didn’t appear shocked by the question. “We’ve got that covered. We have several men working for our cause within the secret service. They’ll make sure you’re close enough. You just have to do the job assigned to you.”
“They want him to take the fall for the president’s death. They’ll find a way to tie Emerson to us and lay the blame there,” Sidney said.
Kaiden scraped back his chair. “We have to get to D.C.” He faced Sidney. He trusted her more than anyone else.
She stood as well. “I’m ready. Let’s go.”
Hernandez rose unsteady on his feet. “That’s not happening. I know you want to help, but your photos are all over the news. You won’t get anywhere near the president.”
Kaiden shook his head. “Then who?”
All the men and women of Strike Force were well trained, but this was important. If Collins succeeded in taking out the president, there would be no stopping Legion’s domination.
“We’ll find a way,” Hernandez assured them. “I’ve tried reaching him on his private cell number, but he isn’t answering. He may not be in a position to take the call and
have the privacy to speak. I’ll keep trying. Hopefully, he’ll reach out to me soon.”
“Let us go to D.C.,” Abby’s voice interrupted the conversation. “No one has seen me and Brookes, as far as we know. We’re here close to Emerson, and we’ve got the chopper.”
“It’s too risky.” Kaiden rejected the idea with a shake of his head.
“We’re prepared for this.” Brookes’s voice came through the phone. What Brookes said made sense, but the thought of sending anyone into what might prove to be a fatal situation didn’t sit well with Kaiden.
“All right.” Hernandez made the decision for them. “But stay where you are until I give the order. If I can alert the president to the impending threat, it may not be necessary.”
“Will do,” Brookes said.
On the screen, the conversation between Collins and Emerson concluded. Collins motioned to his men who escorted Emerson away.
“You think he’s going to remain loyal to us?” Kaiden asked Sidney.
She glanced sideways at him. “Like it or not, we have no choice but to trust him.”
He sure hoped her faith in Emerson was well placed. Because if not, it wouldn’t take Legion long before they took them out along with the entire Strike Force—the last holdout to keep the world free.
Chapter Sixteen
A noise outside command captured Sidney’s attention. “Do you hear that?” she asked and continued to listen to the drone of an engine.
“I do,” Kaiden said. “That’s a plane.”
Everyone rushed from the command center.
“It’s probably Peter,” Ben said. “Let me call him to confirm.”
Kaiden grabbed the binoculars and focused in on the inbound plane. He couldn’t make out enough about it from his location.
“There’s no answer,” Ben said with a frown.