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Strike Force Page 12
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Page 12
Every mile of the way was filled with uncertainty. Flying with one engine was challenging enough. What if gunfire had damaged the remaining engine?
“That was a little too close,” Lincoln breathed the words out on a sigh once the plane came to a stop.
“No kidding. Let’s unload and move these planes out of sight,” Kaiden said. “After what happened back there, we can’t be too cautious.”
With the side-by-sides unloaded, they moved Hernandez from the cargo plane.
“There should be an SUV hidden in the hangar,” Ben told them. “It came with the place when Cole purchased it.” He shook his head. “Almost as if he knew this was coming.”
Ben opened the roll-up door and flipped on the lights. An older Suburban was parked inside. He opened the driver door and searched around. “I found the key. I’ll pull the SUV close to the plane and we can load Cole and head for the house.”
Once Hernandez was loaded into the SUV and on his way to the house with Doctor Oviok and his team, everyone else went to work moving the equipment into the side-by-sides.
As they approached the house, Sidney realized it was quite different from their former location. This house was much smaller, but there were a series of cabins situated around the property—fitting for a youth camp.
“It’ll take some work, but I figured we can set up the medical center inside the house,” Ben told them once they’d arrived at the structure.
They got out and helped move Hernandez into the residence. “There should be enough cabins for everyone to have their own place.” Ben turned to James. “And there’s a large storage building to the right of the house. You can use it to set up the command center.”
The single-story house had an enormous kitchen and dining room that opened into a living room with vaulted ceilings.
Ben pointed down the hallway. “Doctor Oviok, you’ll find four bedrooms and a couple of baths that way. You should use them for your medical center.” Oviok nodded. He and his team wheeled Hernandez away.
“The keys to the cabins are here.” Ben took several from hooks behind a counter in the living room and handed each of them one. “According to Cole, the place sat vacant for over five years. I just hope Evans can’t trace the name Cole used to secure it. If he does, it’s only a matter of time before Legion has this location.” Ben sighed deeply. “James, what can we do to help your team get the computer system up and running?”
“Nothing. We’ve got this. Why don’t you sit with Hernandez? It shouldn’t be more than a few hours before we’re operating and can check in with Brookes and Abby to see if anything new has happened there. In the meantime, everyone should try and get some sleep. I think we’re in for a long few days.”
Sidney agreed, but she hated feeling this helpless. She wanted to be doing something useful. Sleep was the last thing on her mind.
“He’s right. We should try to get some rest.” Kaiden held up his key and pointed to the number on hers. “Come on. It looks like we’re next to each other.”
Sidney retrieved her duffle bag and headed outside with Kaiden. They found Samson investigating his new location. Her thoughts were fuzzy. She tried to make sense of how Legion had located them with all the precautions Ben and James had put in place to keep their location secret.
Samson ran up ahead of them. Kaiden appeared weighted down by thoughts as well. Sidney unlocked the cabin and set her bag inside before turning back to him. “Do you feel like talking for a bit?” She indicated a bench seat near the door.
“I’d like that.” He took her hand. Together they sat.
After everything they’d been through tonight, it was hard to wind down.
“How do you think they found us?” She asked the question foremost in her thoughts.
He faced her in the darkness. “I’ve been wondering about that, too. I suppose the men who followed us from Hernandez’s cabin could have somehow traced the plane to the location, but James was careful. He made sure that was near impossible.”
She thought about it for a moment. “Do you think Hernandez kept records of what we were doing somewhere? Maybe they were able to break into the CIA’s computer system and get the information.”
Kaiden didn’t appear any more convinced than she did. “With Evans being a known member of Legion and working so close to him, I don’t see Hernandez leaving something critical that a known member of Legion could find.”
“You’re right. It wouldn’t make sense. We need Hernandez to wake up so he can explain how he ended up at the cabin in the first place.”
“Exactly. Right now, we have more questions than answers.” He stopped and glanced around the countryside. “I sure hope Emerson’s cover holds. But after what happened tonight and with Collins knowing we have Hernandez with us and possibly alive, they’re going to be extra cautious. Brookes and Abby had better be ready to get Emerson out of there if things go south.”
She looked at him. Though exhausted, he was still the strong and handsome man she’d fallen in love with. If only they could be like any other couple sharing romantic moments together. She brought his hand to her lips and kissed it. “You look tired. Get some sleep, Kaiden. We have a long road ahead for us to figure this all out, and I have a feeling this thing is just beginning to play out.”
As comfortable as the cabin was, his mind wouldn’t shut off enough for sleep. After a couple of wasted hours, he finally abandoned sleep altogether, dressed, and noticed lights on in Sidney’s cabin. He knocked once.
She opened it and smiled. “You too?”
Samson ran past him while Sidney grabbed her jacket and stepped out into the darkness.
“Yeah. I can’t help but feel whatever Legion has planned is about to take place. We need answers.” He stopped and looked at her. Through everything, he would always be grateful to God for sending her into his life.
“Sorry, I don’t mean to complain,” she said.
He touched her face and she stepped closer, putting her arms around his waist.
“Don’t apologize,” he said against her hair. “I feel the same way.”
She leaned against his chest and for the moment, everything was okay. He had her. They’d figure the rest out.
Samson barked, breaking them apart.
A nervous laugh bubbled from Sidney. “I guess we’re both on edge.”
“Yes,” he said and took her hand. There was something he wanted to ask her and he wanted to do it before something else happened. Kaiden looked into her eyes and watched her smile slowly fade. “I want us to get married,” he blurted out and shook his head. “I’m sorry, I wanted to do this the right way, but with everything that’s happened, and trouble imminent, I just wanted to let you know how I feel.”
Tears glistened in her eyes. “You’re doing it just right. And I want to marry you, too. As soon as we can arrange it.” She brushed her hand over her cheeks. “Let’s get married on Christmas Eve, Kaiden. Let’s do it.”
“That would be perfect.” He swept her into his arms and held her tight. Smiling down at her, he kissed her tenderly and wished this moment could last. But there were dreadful things in the works. Things that stood in the way.
“We should go,” she said, reading his thoughts.
“Yes.” With one more kiss, they headed for the larger cabin where James’s team had set up the computer system.
They left Samson sniffing the air and getting acquainted with his new surroundings and went inside.
Kaiden was surprised at how much work had been done in such a short period of time. The computer system was up and running, set up on a couple of folding tables. Will and Garrett were actively working on assembling the video system when then came in. Jordyn and Emily were at work on the computers.
“Amazing,” Kaiden said. He stopped next to James who typed something into the computer.
James didn’t look up. “What? Oh, yeah, we’re almost done here,” he said and typed some more.
den frowned. “What are you working on?” He leaned over James’s shoulder. From the way he was concentrating Kaiden could tell the former SEAL was onto something.
James stopped typing long enough to answer. “Something about the abandoned warehouse in Amarillo has been bugging me, as did the ranch where Collins and the VP are. I believed they were connected, and I was right. Turns out, the ranch is listed under the name of Kincaid’s wife’s mother’s maiden name. . . yeah, say that three times in a row.” James pulled up the deed for the property. “But get this. The woman’s been dead for years and she never lived there. In fact, Marissa Kincaid’s family is from Virginia—a very powerful political family at that. She and Kincaid met at a fundraiser in D.C. He’s the one from Amarillo, not her. And the property was purchased only two years ago.”
“Around the time of the attack in Afghanistan.” Sidney met Kaiden’s gaze. “How did he manage to fudge the paperwork?”
“He has a lot of pull,” James told them. “And get this, the warehouse is registered under the name of Marissa Kincaid’s grandfather on her father’s side.”
“Kincaid has gone to great lengths to keep his name out of the records,” Kaiden said.
“Exactly.” James brought up drone footage from the air above the warehouse. “I had Brookes deploy the drone that was stored on the chopper. The men Hassanzai stationed there shot at it, but Brookes is pretty good at maneuvering. The drone has the capability of detecting nuclear radiation. . . I was thinking ahead, trying to be ready for any possible threat. Anyway, take a look at this. The readings for nuclear radiation are off the charts.”
Sidney slipped into the chair near James. “They have nuclear material stored there?”
James nodded, a grave expression on his face. “They do. And not only at the warehouse but on the ranch where Emerson is as well. This is bad, guys.”
“Have you heard from Emerson’s video yet? Has anything new happened?”
“Not much. He’s been in a room at the ranch house with no contact with anyone at all, including Collins. At least his cover is intact. Or it appears so.”
“What are they waiting for?” Sidney said, her hands clasped in her lap.
“My guess is they’re waiting for the rest of Legion to make it to the new meet site.”
“We need to get everyone together now,” Kaiden said and took out his phone. “I’m calling Ben.”
Ben answered on the first ring, and Kaiden updated him on what James had discovered.
“I’ll be there soon. I was on my way to you anyway,” Ben said.
“How’s Cole?” Kaiden asked.
“Still unconscious. I’m worried, Kaiden. We need him for this. If he dies, we lose our only contact to the intelligence agency.”
Kaiden didn’t want to think about that. “We’re all praying for him. We’ve got a lot to figure out and we need to do it soon. I’ll see you in a few.” Ending the call, Kaiden shoved the phone back into his pocket. With this new information, the quest to bring down Legion was more critical than ever.
Chapter Fourteen
“You all should see this.” Garrett drew their attention to the newly installed screen in front of them where a press conference was about to take place.
All Sidney could think about was the threat waiting in Texas. The authorities needed to know there was an impending terrorist attack on the immediate horizon.
“What’s going on there?” she asked Garrett.
“I’m not sure, but whatever it is, it’s taking place at CIA headquarters.”
A female newscaster appeared on the screen. “We interrupt this programming to bring you a special news bulletin from acting Deputy CIA Director Stephan Larsen at any moment now.”
The camera showed a podium set up near the CIA Memorial Wall at Headquarters in Langley, Virginia.
“Wait, did she say Stephan Larsen?” Sidney asked, unable to believe she’d heard correctly. “Who is he and why is he doing the CIA briefing over Evans? And why is he the acting Deputy Director?”
“I can’t say, but I know Larsen,” Ben told them. “He’s moved up the ranks fairly quickly for someone in his early thirties. I’ve seen him around the halls a lot. I get the impression he’s vying for a better position within the agency. Coles trusts him. Still, it doesn’t make sense that Larsen, who is beneath Evans, would be doing the press conference. Do you think Evans has already been appointed to the director position?”
“It’s possible, I guess,” Kaiden said in a doubtful tone. “But it still doesn’t explain why someone beneath Evans would be at the podium.”
Every single time she saw the memorial wall, she remembered her former team who had perished in Afghanistan. All were memorialized there with stars etched into the wall.
Larsen appeared at the edge of the screen flanked by two men.
“Ben, who are those people?” she asked.
Ben studied the screen for a moment. “I have no idea. Never seen either one of them.”
Sidney’s nerves coiled tight as Larsen took the podium.
“Good morning. I will make a brief statement. Unfortunately, due to the severity of the situation, I won’t be taking questions.” Larsen paused and glanced around the room, a solemn expression on his face. Handsome. Tall. Polished. The type of man who commanded respect. His boyish looks would instill trust in most people, yet something about the man sent a chill through her.
“Last night, at eleven PM Eastern time, a raid was made on a ranch outside of Cheyenne, Wyoming. The intent was to capture known terrorists Piper Morgan, Reed Decklin, and Teddy Warren. Morgan, as you may remember, was convicted of treason and responsible for the murders of her entire unit. Four months ago, these same people were involved in an attack that took place in Anana Harbor, Alaska, and resulted in the deaths of several agents.” Photos of each of them appeared on the screen.
“These people, along with CIA liaison, Ben Parker, are wanted in the disappearance of massive amounts of VX Gas, and more recently, the possible kidnapping of CIA Director Cole Hernandez. Hernandez was last seen outside his cabin in Virginia where Morgan, Decklin, and two other armed men were believed responsible for the explosion that took place at his cabin.”
Larsen paused and looked directly at the camera. “These people are extremely dangerous and right now, we don’t know their location. They managed to escape capture by flying out in these two airplanes.” Surveillance photos of the aircraft appeared on the screen. “Again, I ask if you see any of these people, or if you spot the two planes, please call the number on the screen.”
Sidney locked wide eyes with Kaiden. It felt as if a noose were closing in around their necks.
“Thank you for your time. As more information becomes available, I will make it known.” With those final words, Larsen and the two unidentified men left the room while reporters lobbed questions their way.
Sidney turned back to the screen. “I can’t believe it. He just made us the country’s top terrorists.”
“And they’ve identified our planes. Which means were virtually grounded,” James said. The room was reeling with the news.
“We still have the chopper that’s with Brookes and Abby,” Ben reminded them. “And the plane that Peter and Tegan are using. We’re not powerless.”
But it sure felt as if their options were dwindling.
“We should pray,” Sidney said. “We need to ask God for His wisdom and strength.”
Everyone nodded and bowed their heads. Each in turn, prayed for God’s protection and guidance for what lay ahead of them.
“Amen,” Sidney whispered once she’d finished her prayer. A peace that came from God settled around her. “Thank you,” she said, grateful for the men and women of Strike Force who were like family. She couldn’t imagine losing any of them to Legion’s deadly threat.
“I’ll gave Peter the coordinates to reach us here,” Ben told them all. “As soon as they arrive, I believe we all should go to Texas. Things are becoming critical there and
Brookes and Abby need our help.”
Before anyone could respond, the door opened and Doctor Oviok came inside, his face alight with happiness. “I have good news,” he announced to the room. “Cole’s awake.”
Ben scrambled after the doctor. A beat later, Sidney and Kaiden sprang into action and followed along with others.
This was the best news they’d had in a while. Sidney sure hoped Hernandez could give them some answers as to what took place before his attack and what was Larsen’s end game.
Inside the house, they hurried down the hall to the room the director occupied and followed Ben inside.
Hernandez sat up in bed, a fragile version of himself, but he was smiling. It was the best sight ever.
“Boy am I glad to see you awake,” Ben told his friend and gave him a hug.
“I’m glad to be among the living myself.” Hernandez smiled briefly. “What have I missed? And how did I get here—wherever here is?”
Ben explained about the attack at Hernandez’s cabin and the events that took place since. “Cole, what happened? How did you end up shot in your family’s cabin?”
Hernandez didn’t answer right away. He appeared to struggle to take it all in.
He latched onto Ben. “It was Larsen who set me up. He’s working for Legion. All this time, I believed the only mole in the CIA was Evans, but that’s not the case. It’s far worse than we believed.”
It’s far worse than we believed. . .
Those disturbing words slipped through Kaiden’s unsettled thoughts.
“What do you mean it’s far worse than we believed?” he asked. They needed to know how widespread the conspiracy truly was.
“There are others besides Larsen working with Legion in the CIA. At first, I didn’t think anything about it when I spotted Larsen speaking to Evans. I’ve always found him to be a pleasant enough person and loyal. Until I found out the truth. He told me that he needed to talk to me about something important and he wanted to do it away from headquarters. I thought he had news on Legion. I’d never mentioned anything about what we were doing to bring down Legion. I kept everything I had on them and our operation locked away in a storage facility under an assumed name.” Hernandez stopped to pull in a couple of breaths. His voice was but a thread.