Christmas In Delaney Mountain Read online

Page 7

  “I can’t wait to see her face in the morning.”

  David chuckled and nodded toward the Christmas tree. “Me, too. Although she has plenty of other things under the tree to be happy for.”

  Kara was thankful that God had nudged her during the year to buy gifts for Maya as money permitted. Through all the moves, she’d carefully hidden them from her daughter. Maya would have a Merry Christmas.

  David’s phone rang. “It’s Noah,” he answered the call. “Yes, Noah. The sheriff knows you’re coming and he has your vehicle ID, so you’re all clear.” David disconnected and went over to the window. “There he is.”

  Kara stood next to him. “I’m so excited. It’s almost like Christmas morning for me, as well,” she said with a giggle.

  “I know. I feel the same way,” he told her and then opened the door.

  A young man who barely seemed old enough to be a ranch foreman held a bright orange kitten with blue eyes in his arms.

  “Come inside, Noah. It’s really coming down out there.”

  “It is. Weatherman says we’re in for another two feet overnight.” Noah held out his free hand to Kara. “I’m Noah Henderson, ma’am. It’s nice to meet you.”

  “Kara Edwards. It’s nice to meet you as well, Noah.”

  “I have the rest of the stuff in my truck,” he told them. “I’ll just go get it.” He handed the kitten to Kara.

  She snuggled the little feline against her chest. “Aw, she’s so cute. Maya will love her.”

  David stroked the kitten’s fur. “I sure hope so. This one’s my favorite.”

  Kara smiled up at him. “You made a good choice. She’s perfect.”

  His smile faded as their gazes tangled.

  Her chest grew tight. She was falling fast for him. David was different. Being close these past few days, facing the ever present threat of Eli’s return wiped away the clutter of terror from her mind. She cared deeply for David. She might even love him once they had a chance to explore their relationship beyond the shadow of fear. She was ready to taste life again, to have friends…maybe even find love with this man.

  Noah came in carrying a litter box and a shopping bag. “This should be everything you asked for, David. If it’s all right with you, I’ll be heading out. I told Jessup Moore I’d stop by to check on Kyle and Grace before I go back to the ranch. He’s worried about the baby coming in this storm.”

  “I spoke to Kyle earlier. Grace is resting comfortably, so let’s hope it stays that way. This weather isn’t the best conditions to be having a baby.”

  “No, sir, it isn’t,” Noah said and then faced Kara. “It’s nice to meet you, ma’am. Enjoy the kitten.” Noah braced to face the gusting wind and headed out into the Christmas Eve night.

  With the door secured once more, David turned back to her. “That kitten’s one lucky girl. She’ll get plenty of love here.”

  “She’s so precious. Want some coffee?” she asked and he nodded appreciatively.

  “That’d be great, but I’ll make it,” he told her. “You’ve got your hands full.”

  She hugged the kitten closer then looked at him. “Thank you,” she whispered.

  He stilled. “For what?”

  “For this,” she said and held up the kitten. “And for being there for Maya and me through this. I don’t know what I would have done without you.” Kara struggled to keep the tears inside.

  “Hey,” David closed the space between them to take her in his arms.

  She went willingly. She never wanted to leave. Never wanted him to leave.


  The kitten meowed between them and he reluctantly let her go.

  “Sorry little girl,” David said and drew in a much needed breath. He was trying to find the right time, the right words to give her his Christmas present and explain its meaning. He needed to clear his head and it was hard to do that with her so close. She was his greatest distraction.

  David reached inside his pocket to where the little jeweler’s box rested. His phone rang. Instead of bringing out the box, he pulled out his cell phone. Frank’s number came up and fear resurfaced in the pit of his stomach. “What’s wrong, Frank?” he asked because he knew the sheriff wasn’t calling just to check on them.

  “There’s been an accident outside of town. Someone ran off Delaney Mountain. I’m on call, which means I have to check it out.”

  Kara was watching him, no doubt picking up on his uneasiness.

  “I’ve got a call in to my deputy to have him come over and stay until I get back. In the meantime, keep your doors locked and if something comes up, call me and I’ll get someone on the way.”

  “I will do it. We’ll pray no one was hurt. Be safe, Frank,” David said and ended the call.

  “What happened?” Kara asked in a trembling voice.

  “There’s been an accident. Frank’s on call so he has to investigate. He’s called his deputy, but we’re on our own for a little bit.”

  Terror bloomed in her expression, eradicating the comfort she’d shown in his arms just a few seconds before.

  “It’ll be OK. It’s only for a little while. Why don’t I make that coffee and then we’ll enjoy the Christmas tree lights by firelight.”

  She attempted a smile but it didn’t ease the fear from her eyes. She sat the kitten down in the great room and followed him into the kitchen. While he went about making the coffee, she grabbed a couple of cups, cream, and sugar.

  Why couldn’t he get the niggling of unease out of his head? Accidents happened quite frequently in that particular area, especially in the wintertime. Please let this all be over soon, he prayed with all his heart. Kara should never have to live in fear again.

  They took their coffee to the great room. David turned out the lights and they sat together watching the kitten play with a ribbon on one of the packages under the twinkling Christmas lights.

  She snuggled close to him and he put his arm around her and just for a moment, everything felt right.

  And then her cell phone rang.

  Kara jumped. She grabbed the phone and answered it.

  Her shocked, horrified look told him with the certainty that something was wrong.

  “Are you sure you want to come over so late?” she asked and mouthed, ‘Its Amy’.

  “No, that’s fine. We’ll see you in a minute,” she assured the woman and ended the call.

  “What was that about?” David asked in concern.

  “She wants to bring a gift over for Maya. She said she wants it to be a surprise.”

  “That’s…odd.” David’s instincts were screaming. “She could’ve just given it to me when I walked her home.”

  “It is, but she loves Maya so much.” She rose to her feet.

  He did the same. For reasons he could only explain as sent from God, David tucked his pistol behind his back.

  Kara noticed, but didn’t comment.

  A few minutes later, Amy knocked on the door.

  Kara rushed to answer it but David stopped her.

  “Hang on a second,” he said and looked through the peep hole. Only Amy stood by the front door holding a brightly wrapped package. Even so, he couldn’t shake the bad feeling. “OK,” he told Kara who opened the door.

  “Hey, Amy, come inside.” Kara held the door open.

  David caught just a glimpse of Amy’s terrified expression. He rushed for the door, but a man dressed in dark clothing shoved Amy out of the way. The older woman stumbled and hit the floor. The man grabbed Kara around the neck. The knife glinted in his hand and David stopped mid-stride.

  The maniacal look in the man’s eyes was terrifying. Eli had found Kara. This was the showdown. The man kicked the door closed and glared at David. “I wouldn’t try anything if you know what’s good for you,” he seethed.

  “No one’s trying anything. Let her go, Eli.” David helped Amy to her feet.

  “I’m sorry. He barged in my house not long after you left. He said he’d kill me if I didn
’t do what he said,” Amy said in a trembling voice.

  “Shut up old lady,” Eli raged and pulled Kara closer. “You shouldn’t have run away from me like that, Kara. We were perfect together, and you screwed it up,” he whispered angrily against her ear.

  “No, Eli, we were never together. You were Bryce’s friend. That’s all there was between us.”

  “That’s not true. We could have been together forever, but you freaked out and ran away,” he spat the words out. “But this time is different. You’ll be with me for all eternity.” He smiled down at Kara.

  Kara trembled in fear, her gaze terrified as she stared at David.

  David tried to silently reassure her while he slowly eased his right hand behind his back. If he could reach the gun, he’d have seconds to disable Eli before the man could harm Kara.

  Kara followed David’s movement and managed the tiniest of nods. She understood.

  David’s hand made contact with the gun. He had a clear shot of the man’s arm which held the knife. But he had to try one last time to reason with Eli. “It’s not too late, Eli. Drop the knife and let her go. You can still walk out of this alive.”

  “Shut up,” Eli snarled at him, nicking the knife against Kara’s neck.

  Kara leaned away, blood trickling, giving David a clear shot.

  David whipped out the gun and fired one round. The bullet struck Eli in the shoulder and the knife flew from his hand. After a second of shock, the man squealed in pain, clutching his shoulder. Curses streamed from his lips. Eli’s grasp loosened on Kara.

  She stomped her heel into his foot and raced for David.

  David tugged her behind him, kicked the knife out of reach, and kept the pistol aimed at Eli’s chest. “Don’t move,” he ordered. “Kara, call Frank. Tell him what’s happened.”

  Kara punched the numbers with trembling hands and spoke into the phone. She hung up after a few seconds. “He’s already on his way. Apparently, the accident was fake…” she stopped. Her realization confirmed what David had already suspected.

  Eli had called in the accident to get rid of the sheriff.

  “You called in the accident?” Kara asked in shock.

  Eli glared at both of them. “That’s right. I had to get rid of your watchdog.”

  “Unbelievable,” Kara exclaimed.

  Eli took a step closer and David stepped in front of Kara. “That’s far enough. If you come any closer, the next bullet will be in your heart.”

  Frank’s siren blared as it raced up the hill. It was almost over.

  Thank you, God.

  Frank charged through the front door and almost knocked Eli to the ground. The sheriff ordered Eli to turn around.

  The cuffs snapping shut was one of the most satisfying sounds David had ever heard. He relaxed his stance but remained alert.

  A second patrol car pulled up, and Frank’s deputy hurried inside.

  “Put him in your patrol car, Mark,” Sheriff told him. “We’ll get him bandaged up at the hospital, but it looks as if the shot just grazed his arm.”

  The deputy took Eli by the arm and forced him out into the cold winter’s night.

  “Mommy,” Maya exclaimed. All of them turned to see the girl standing at the bottom of the staircase.

  Kara hurried to her side and lifted her daughter up into her arms. “It’s OK, baby. Everything is fine now.” Kara held her close.

  “Tell me what happened, David,” Frank asked.

  David quickly explained the events of the evening and then went to stand near Kara and Maya.

  Frank then asked Amy to tell him what had happened when Eli barged into her house. Once Amy had explained, the sheriff thanked her and came over to Kara. “How are you holding up, Kara?” he asked.

  She was pale but she was strong. She’d get through this.

  “I’m just happy this is almost over,” she said in a whisper.

  “I’m sure I’ll have more questions, but for tonight, I’ll take this guy to the hospital and get him looked at, then he’s going to jail for a very long time. You folks have a good what’s left of your Christmas Eve. Walk me out, David,” Frank said.

  David followed him out into the cold night.

  They reached Frank’s patrol car.

  “She’ll have to testify in court, and it’ll probably get ugly, but I don’t see this guy getting out of jail for a very long time.”

  “Thanks, Frank. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate your help in this.”

  Frank smiled and patted him on the shoulder. “You’re welcome. I’ll call you tomorrow and update you on what’s happening, but right now, she needs you.” He motioned toward the house. “Take care of her, will you? I think if anyone deserves a little happiness, it’s the both of you.”

  Not sure how to answer, David waved as Frank got in the patrol car and drove away. The deputy followed, with the man who had caused Kara so much pain securely restrained inside.


  When he came back inside, their gazes tangled.

  “Is everything all right?” she asked, but she could see the answer in his smile.

  “Yes. “ He sat down beside her, tugging her close.

  “Mommy, look. A kitty,” Maya exclaimed. She jumped from her mother’s arms and scurried over to the kitten who had been hiding amongst the Christmas presents. “Santa came early.” Maya’s eyes were shining with happiness.

  With everything that happened, Kara had almost forgotten about the kitten. She smiled at her daughter’s joy. “He sure did, honey.”

  Amy squeezed Kara’s hand. “Well, I am bushed. This run-in with bad guys takes a lot out of you. I’ll see you folks in the morning.”

  Kara got to her feet. “Wait, Amy, it’s so late. Why don’t you stay the night here? You can take my bed, and I’ll sleep with Maya.”

  “I can’t do that, you’ll be cramped in Maya’s twin bed.”

  “I’ve slept there before, it’s not that bad. You’ll stay the night. Come with me.”

  Amy didn’t even argue. She said goodnight to everyone and followed Kara upstairs to her room.

  “You know where the bathroom is. I have a nightgown that should fit you in the drawer.” Kara took out an extra gown and then gathered her things. With a hug for Amy, she headed for the door. “Goodnight, Amy. I’ll see you in the morning.”

  “Night, hon.”

  Back downstairs, Maya had fallen asleep under the Christmas tree with the kitten curled on her stomach.

  “Oh, no.” Kara stifled a giggle.

  “Yeah, she crashed on us. But not before she chose a name for the kitten. It’s Pumpkin.”

  “Pumpkin.” Kara mulled the name over and decided it fit the kitten. “It’s perfect.”

  David put his arm around her and drew her close, kissing the top of her head. “I thought so, too.”

  She leaned into him and realized this was the first time they’d been together where there was no more fear standing between them. Where would the future take them?

  David brought something out of his pocket and handed it to her. “I was waiting for the right time to give this to you,” he said in a husky voice.

  She swallowed visibly and stared into his eyes. “What is it?” she asked in a shaky tone.

  “Open it and see.”

  A beautiful pear-shaped diamond engagement ring twinkled in the Christmas lights. Kara stared at it in shock, her eyes filling with tears. “Oh, David, I don’t know what to say,” she murmured.

  He didn’t take the ring out. “I know it’s too soon. We haven’t known each other all that much, but I want you to know that I…love you Kara. And I’m willing to wait until you’re ready. I love you, and I want to marry you…someday.”

  Tears slipped from her eyes.

  “So this is a promise ring from me to you. I want you to hold onto it and when you’re ready, I will be too.”

  She went into his arms and held him close. “I love you, too. And I do want to marry you someday. In fact, I can’
t wait for that day to come.”

  David framed her face with his hands and kissed her with his heart in his touch and enough promise for the future for both of them.

  Jeremiah 29:12 came into Kara’s heart just then.

  “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

  With David’s kiss, Kara leapt into that future with her whole heart.

  This truly was the best Christmas ever.

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